It's been a long time since any of our teams has come out on top against a Sheffield Nomads team, so the result of the match on Halloween Night deserves a mention. The setting for the Division 4 fixture was the Trades and Labour Club on Duke Street and it was D&H's D team that provided the early fireworks with wins for Josh T and Tomas, backed up by draws from Paul, Alex and John. Our only loser on the night was Eric, on his first return to his previous club after his switch in September.
Josh played a brilliant game from what I saw
Paul Davies
Our two juniors acquitted themselves well, as alluded to by Paul the next morning. Josh was out-rated by more than 250 points and yet still won comfortably. Alex had an interesting draw with the black pieces in his game on board 4. There should be a special mention also for Tomas, winning in what was only his second league game.
The last board to finish was Paul's. With D&H sitting 3-2 up, he managed to clinch a draw from the jaws of defeat by running his king around the board as his opponent only had a couple of minutes left on his clock. The match finished Nomads D 2 1/2 Darnall & Handsworth D 3 1/2. Spooky!